Recently Published
Manternach, B, "The Singer's Library: The Vocal Coach Approach," Classical Singer, Summer Programs Issue 2024, pp.40-43.
Manternach, B, "Building Practice Routines That Have Teeth,"Journal of Singing, January/February 2024 Volume 80, No. 3, pp. 327–330.
Maxfield, L, "Efficiency in Singing and Learning Requires Effort,"Journal of Singing, January/February 2024 Volume 80, No. 3, pp. 331-333.
Manternach, B, "Anchors Aweigh: Anchoring Bias in the Voice Studio,"Journal of Singing, November/December 2023 Volume 80, No. 2, pp. 193–199. (membership access required)
Manternach, B, "The Singer’s Library: Queer Opera,"Classical Singer, Winter Issue 2023, p. 28-31.
Maxfield, L, "I Feel, You Feel: Considerations of Emotion in Singing," Journal of Singing, September/October 2023 Volume 80, No. 1, pp. 73-76. (membership access required)
Manternach, B, "Time Spent: The Eight-Hour Day,"Journal of Singing, September/October 2023 Volume 80, No. 1, pp. 67-71. (membership access required)
Manternach, B, "The Singer's Library: The Enduring Legacy of Late, Great Pedagogues,"Classical Singer, Fall University Edition 2023, p. 52-55.
Manternach, B, "The Singer's Library: Singing and Teaching Musical Theatre,"Classical Singer, Summer Edition 2023, p. 36-39.
Manternach, B, "Mark S. Doss: Forty Years of Facing the Fachs,"Clasical Singer, Summer Edition 2023, p. 22-27
Manternach, B, "The Empowered Performer,"Classical Singer, May/June Convention Edition, p. 28-31.
Maxfield, L, "Your Voice Matters to Our Health," Journal of Singing, March/April 2023 Volume 79, No. 4, p. 513–515
Titze, R, "More Melody and Harmony with Less Vocal Attack,"Journal of Singing, March/April 2023 Volume 79, No. 4, p. 487-488.
Manternach, B, "The Singer's Library: Queering Vocal Pedagogy,"Classical Singer, Spring Edition, p. 30-33.
Manternach, B, "The Singer's Library: Class Voice,"Classical Singer, Summer Programs Edition, p. 44-47.
Manternach, B, "Zero Views Blues,"Classical Singer, Summer Programs Edition, p. 70-72.
Manternach, B, "Compliance and Adherence in the Voice Studio,"Journal of Singing, January/February 2023, p. 363-367.
Titze, R, "Larynx Adaptation from Unamplified to Amplified Singing,"Journal of Singing, January/February 2023, p. 347-349.
Manternach, B, "The Singer's Library: The Singer's Audition & Career Handbook,"Classical Singer, November 2022, p. 52-55.
Manternach, B, "Eve Gigliotti: 'I didn't really have a Plan B,'"Classsical Singer, Winter 2022, p. 26-33.
Manternach, B, "The Singer's Library: So You Want to Sing with Awareness,"Classical Singer, November 2022.
Titze, IR, "Ingo's Register Treadmill,"Journal of Singing, November/December 2022, Volume 79, No. 2, pp. 197-200.
Titze, IR, "How can vocal folds oscillate with a limited mucosal wave?", JASA Express Lett. 2 (10), 105201 (2022).
Stark, A, Ellerston, J, "Comprehensive Treatment of Voice and Speech in Parkinson's Disease," The Voice, September 2022 Volume 27, Issue 1, p. 9-10.
Titze, IR, "About Attitude and Mindset in Singing,"Journal of Singing, September/October 2022 Volume 79, No. 1, pp. 53-56.
Manternach, B, Eggers, D, "Using Theatrical Intimacy Practices to Create Vocal Health Boundaries,"Journal of Singing, September/October 2022 Volume 79, No. 1, pp. 73-77.
Manternach, B, "The Singer's Library: Conducting Opera,"Classical Singer, Fall University, p. 70-73.
Manternach, B, "The Singer's Library: The So You Want to Sing Series concludes,"Classical Singer, May/June 2022, p. 74-77.
Manternach, B, "Time Spent: The Forty-Hour Workweek,"Journal of Singing, May/June 2022 Volume 78, No. 5, pp. 629-634.
Titze, I, "The Acoustic Characteristics of Vocal Twang," Journal of Singing, May/June 2022 Volume 78, No. 5, pp. 613-614.
Manternach, B, "Voice Elevated," Journal of Singing, March/April 2022 Volume 78, No. 4, pp. 509–511.
Maxfield, L, "Competition and Creativity," Journal of Singing, March/April 2022 Volume 78, No. 4, pp. 513–515
Titze, I, "Lift Up Your Voice,"Journal of Singing, March/April 2022 Volume 78, No. 4, pp. 495-496.
Manternach, B, "Striking the Write Tone: My 100th Classical Singer Article,"Classical Singer, March/April 2022, p. 18-22.
Maxfield, L, "Competition and Creativity,"Journal of Singing, March/April 2022 Volume 78, No. 4, pp. 513–515.
Titze, R, Story, B, "How Well Does the Larynx 'Canal' Match the Ear Canal,"Journal of Singing, January/February 2022, Volume 78, No. 3, p. 361-363.
Manternach, B, "The Singer's Library: The Tongue as a Gateway to Voice, Resonance, Style, and Intelligibility,"Classical Singer, January/February 2022, p. 58-61.
Manternach, B, "George Gagndize: Baritone Back in Business,"Classical Singer, January/February 2022, p. 18-25.
Manternach, B, Lanza, E, and Lee, M, "Taking a Different Path: From Voice Teacher to Speech-Language Pathologist," Journal of Singing, January/February 2022, Volume 78, No. 3, p. 385-389.
Maxfield, L, "Being versus Doing: Conflating Identity with Occupation," Journal of Singing, September/October 2021, Volume 78, No. 1, pp. 109–111
Manternach, B, "Assigning Racially and Ethnically Specific Repertoire: The Student Veto Option,"Journal of Singing, May/June 2021, Volume 77, No. 5, p. 685–691.
Manternach, B, "Considering Color-Conscious Casting,"Musical Theatre Educators' Alliance Journal, January 2021, Volume 4, p.44-53.
Manternach, B, "Driver’s Education: A 'Motor' Learning Analogy,"Journal of Singing, March/April 2021, Volume 77, No. 4, pp. 537–541.
Manternach, B, "The More You Know,"Classical Singer, May/June 2021, p.62-63.
Manternach, B, "Race and Ethnicity in the Voice Studio: An Interview with Fracesca Hsieh," Classical Singer, May/June 2021, p.36-39.
Manternach, B, "Shaming and Blaming,"Journal of Singing, September/October 2021, Volume 78, No. 1, p. 103–107.
Manternach, B, "The Singer's Library: Black Acting Methods by Luckett and Shaffer,"Classical Singer, November/December 2021, p.50-53.
Manternach, B, "The Singer's Library: Compton Publishing,"Classical Singer, September/October 2021, p.112-116.
Manternach, B, "The Singer's Library: Singing Through Change by Bos, Bozeman, and Frazier-Neely,"Classical Singer, January/February 2021, p.66-69.
Manternach, B, "The Singer's Library: So You Want to Sing Spirituals by Jones," Classical Singer, July/August 2021, p.36-38.
Manternach, B, "The Singer's Library: Training Contemporary Commercial Singers by Benson,"Classical Singer, March/April 2021, p.12-15.
Manternach, B, "The Singer's Library: Vocal Technique, 2nd Ed., by Davids and LaTour,"Classical Singer, May/June 2021, p.22-25.
Manternach, B, and Manternach, JN, "The Impact of Semi-Occluded Vocal Tract Warm-Up and Cool-Down Procedures on Singing Teacher Voice Fatigue After Online Instruction: A Pilot Study," Poster. Fall Voice Conference, Miami and virtual, October, 2021.
Manternach, JN, and Manternach, B, "Acoustic and Perceptual Measures of Singing Voice Teacher Voice Quality Prior to and After Online Instruction: A Case Study," Poster. Pan American Vocology Association Virtually PAVA Symposium, August, 2021.
Manternach, B, Maxfield, L, and Manternach, JN, "Effects of Varied Semi-Occluded Vocal Tract Exercises on Acoustic and Perceptual Measures of Music Theatre Singers: A Pilot Study," Voice and Speech Review, 2021, VOL. 15, NO. 1, 40–50.
Maxfield, L, "Being versus Doing: Conflating Identity with Occupation,"Journal of Singing, September/October 2021, Volume 78, No. 1, p. 109–111.
Maxfield, L, and Ragan, K, "Evidence-Based Voice Pedagogy (EBVP), Part 1: Voice Research Component,"Journal of Singing, March/April 2021, Volume 77, No. 4, pp. 543–547.
Rollings Bigler, A, Osborne, K, Ballantyne, C, Horne, B, James, K, Manternach, B, Redman, Y, Treinkman, M, "Voice Pedagogy for the 21st Century: The Summation of Two Summits,"Journal of Singing, September/October 2021, Volume 78, No. 1, p. 11–28.
Stark, A, Sundar, K, and Hu, N, "A Laryngeal Hypersensitivity Scoring System in Patients with Refractory Chronic Cough,"American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medecine - Online Abstracts Issue 2021;203:A2363, American Thoracic Society.
Sundar KM, Stark AC, Hu N, and Barkmeier-Kraemer, J. "Is laryngeal hypersensitivity the basis of unexplained or refractory chronic cough?"ERJ Open Res 2021; 7: 00793-2020 [ 23120541.00793-2020].
Titze, IR, "The Concept of Impedance,"Journal of Singing, January/February 2021, Volume 77, No. 3, pp. 379–380.
Titze, IR, "Is Rap Music or Speech?"Journal of Singing, March/April 2021, Volume 77, No. 4, pp. 519–520.
Titze, IR, "Self-Organization in Vocal Mechanics and Physiology,"Journal of Singing, November/December 2021. Volume 78, No. 2, p. 233–234.
Titze, IR, and Maxfield, L, "Adapting the Voice Range Profile for Singers to Include Duration of Voicing,"Journal of Singing, May/June 2021, Volume 77, No. 5, pp. 653–661.
Titze IR, Palaparthi A, Cox K, Stark A, Maxfield L, and Manternach B (2021) "Vocalization with semi-occluded airways is favorable for optimizing sound production". PLoS Computational Biology 17(3): e1008744.
Document and Abstract Archive
Alipour, F, Berry, DA, and Titze, IR. "A finite-element model of vocal-fold vibration." The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 108, no. 6 (2000): 3003-3012. ABSTRACT
Alipour, F, and Titze, IR. "Active and passive characteristics of the canine cricothyroid muscles." Journal of Voice 13, no. 1 (1999): 1-10.
Alipour, F, and Titze, IR. "Combined simulation of two dimensional airflow and vocal fold vibration." Status and Progress Report, National Center for Voice and Speech 8 (1995): 9-14.
Alipour‐Haghighi, F, and Titze, IR. "Elastic models of vocal fold tissues." The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 90, no. 3 (1991): 1326-1331. ABSTRACT
Alipour‐Haghighi, F, and Titze, IR. "Viscoelastic modeling of canine vocalis muscle in relaxation." The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 78, no. 6 (1985): 1939-1943. ABSTRACT
Alipour-Haghighi, F, Titze, IR, and Paul Durham. "Twitch response in the canine vocalis muscle." Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research 30, no. 3 (1987): 290-294.
Alipour, F, Titze, IR, Hunter, E, and Tayama, N. "Active and passive properties of canine abduction/adduction laryngeal muscles." Journal of Voice 19, no. 3 (2005): 350-359.
Alipour-Haghighi, F, Titze, IR, and Perlman, AL. "Tetanic contraction in vocal fold muscle." Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research 32, no. 2 (1989): 226-231. ABSTRACT
Alluri RK, Rose GJ, Leary CJ, Palaparthi A, Hanson JL, Vasquez-Opazo GA, Graham JA, Luong K, "How auditory selectivity for sound timing arises: the diverse roles of GABAergic inhibition in shaping the excitation to interval-selective midbrain neurons,"Progress in Neurobiology (2020), doi:
Austin, SF, and Titze, IR. "The effect of subglottal resonance upon vocal fold vibration." Journal of voice 11, no. 4 (1997): 391-402.
Bergan, CC, and Titze, IR. "Perception of pitch and roughness in vocal signals with subharmonics." Journal of Voice 15, no. 2 (2001): 165-175. ABSTRACT
Bergan, CC, Titze, IR, and Story, B. "The perception of two vocal qualities in a synthesized vocal utterance: ring and pressed voice." Journal of Voice 18, no. 3 (2004): 305-317. ABSTRACT
Berry, DA, and Titze, IR. "Normal modes in a continuum model of vocal fold tissues." The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 100, no. 5 (1996): 3345-3354. ABSTRACT
Berry, DA, Herzel, H, Titze, IR, and Krischer, K. "Interpretation of biomechanical simulations of normal and chaotic vocal fold oscillations with empirical eigenfunctions." The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 95, no. 6 (1994): 3595-3604. ABSTRACT
Berry, DA, Herzel, H, Titze, IR, and Story, BH. "Bifurcations in excised larynx experiments." Journal of Voice 10, no. 2 (1996): 129-138.
Berry, DA, Montequin, DW, Chan, RW, Titze, IR, and Hoffman, HT. "An investigation of cricoarytenoid joint mechanics using simulated muscle forces." Journal of Voice 17, no. 1 (2003): 47-62.
Berry, DA, Douglas W. Montequin, Clark, MJO, and Titze, IR. "Characterization of the medial surface of the vocal folds." Annals of Otology, Rhinology & Laryngology 110, no. 5 (2001): 470-477.
Berry, DA, Verdolini, K, Chan, RW, and Titze, IR. "Indications of an optimum glottal width in vocal production." NCVS Status and Progress (1998): 33-41.
Berry, DA, Verdolini, K, Montequin, DW, Hess, MM, Chan, RW, and Titze, IR. "A quantitative output-cost ratio in voice production." (2001). Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research. Vol. 44, No. 1, Feb. ABSTRACT
Bless, DM, Baken, RJ, Hacki, T, Fritzell, B, Laver, J, Schutte, H, Hirano, M, Loebell, E, Titze, IR, Faure, M-A, Muller, A, Wendler, J, Fex, S, Nasser Kotby, M, Brewer, D, Sonninen, A, and Hurme, P. "International Association of Logopedics and Phoniatrics (IALP) Voice Committee discussion of assessment topics." The Journal of Voice 6, no. 2 (1992): 194-210.
Blitzer, A, Crumley, RL, Dailey, SH, Ford, CN, Floeter, MK, Hillel, AD, Hoffmann, HT, Ludlow, CL, Merati, A, Munin, MC, Robinson, LR, Rosen, C, Saxon, KG, Sulica, L, Thibeault, SL, Titze, IR, Woo, P, and Woodson, GE, 2009. "Recommendations of the Neurolaryngology Study Group on laryngeal electromyography." Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, 140(6), pp.782-793. ABSTRACT
Bunton, K, Story, BH, and Titze, IR. "Estimation of vocal tract area functions in children based on measurement of lip termination area and inverse acoustic mapping." In Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics ICA2013, vol. 19, no. 1, p. 060054. Acoustical Society of America, 2013.
Carroll, T, Nix, J, Hunter, E, Emerich, K, Titze, IR, and Abaza, M. "Objective measurement of vocal fatigue in classical singers: A vocal dosimetry pilot study." Otolaryngology--Head and Neck Surgery 135, no. 4 (2006): 595-602. ABSTRACT
Chan, RW, Gray, SD, and Titze, IR. "The importance of hyaluronic acid in vocal fold biomechanics." Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery 124, no. 6 (2001): 607-614. ABSTRACT
Chan, RW, and Titze, IR. "Dependence of phonation threshold pressure on vocal tract acoustics and vocal fold tissue mechanics." The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 119, no. 4 (2006): 2351-2362. ABSTRACT
Chan, RW., and Titze, IR. "Effect of postmortem changes and freezing on the viscoelastic properties of vocal fold tissues." Annals of biomedical engineering 31, no. 4 (2003): 482-491. ABSTRACT
Chan, RW, and Titze, IR. "Hyaluronic acid (with fibronectin) as a bioimplant for the vocal fold mucosa." The Laryngoscope 109, no. 7 (1999): 1142-1149. ABSTRACT
Chan, RW, and Titze, IR. "Viscoelastic shear properties of human vocal fold mucosa: measurement methodology and empirical results." The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 106, no. 4 (1999): 2008-2021. ABSTRACT
Chan, RW, and Titze, IR. "Viscoelastic shear properties of human vocal fold mucosa: theoretical characterization based on constitutive modeling." The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 107, no. 1 (2000): 565-580. ABSTRACT
Chan, RW, and Titze, IR. "Viscosities of implantable biomaterials in vocal fold augmentation surgery." The Laryngoscope 108, no. 5 (1998): 725-731. ABSTRACT
Chan, RW, Titze, IR, and Titze, MR. "Further studies of phonation threshold pressure in a physical model of the vocal fold mucosa." The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 101, no. 6 (1997): 3722-3727. ABSTRACT
Chao, MR, Howe, KA, Pierce, JL, Stark, AC, Smith, ME, & Christensen, MB (2020). Morphometric Differences in the Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve in Patients with Vocal Fold Paralysis. Annals of Otology, Rhinology & Laryngology, 129(1), 32-38.
Christensen, MB, Wolchok, JC, Klemuk, SA, and Titze, IR. "Development of a bilayer ring system for achieving high strain in commercial rheometers." Journal of biomechanics 48, no. 12 (2015): 3512-3516.
Cooper, DS, and Titze, IR. "Generation and dissipation of heat in vocal fold tissue." Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research 28, no. 2 (1985): 207-215. ABSTRACT
Cox, KA, Alipour, F, and Titze, IR. "Geometric structure of the human and canine cricothyroid and thyroarytenoid muscles for biomechanical applications." Annals of Otology, Rhinology & Laryngology 108, no. 12 (1999): 1151-1158. ABSTRACT
DeJonckere, PH, Lebacq, J, and Titze, IR. "Dynamics of the driving force during the normal vocal fold vibration cycle." Journal of Voice 31, no. 6 (2017): 649-661.
Emerich, KA, Titze, IR, Švec, JG, Popolo, PS, and Logan, G. "Vocal range and intensity in actors: a studio versus stage comparison." Journal of Voice 19, no. 1 (2005): 78-83. ABSTRACT
Fleming, Ra, Titze, IR, and Fleming, Re, "The FlemIngo Stance on Marking,"Journal of Singing, May/June 2017 Volume 73, No. 5, pp. 527–530.
Fuja, TJ, Ostrem, EM, Probst-Fuja, MN, and Titze, IR. "Differential cell adhesion to vocal fold extracellular matrix constituents." Matrix Biology 25, no. 4 (2006): 240-251.
Gray, SD, Alipour, F, Titze, IR, and Hammond, TH. "Biomechanical and histologic observations of vocal fold fibrous proteins." Annals of Otology, Rhinology & Laryngology 109, no. 1 (2000): 77-85. ABSTRACT
Gray, SD, Barkmeier, J, Jones, D, Titze, IR, and Druker, D. "Vocal evaluation of thyroplastic surgery in the treatment of unilateral vocal fold paralysis." The Laryngoscope 102, no. 4 (1992): 415-421.
Gray, SD, Bielamowicz, SA, Dove, H, Titze, IR, and Ludlow, C. "Experimental approaches to vocal fold alteration: introduction to the minithyrotomy." Annals of Otology, Rhinology & Laryngology 108, no. 1 (1999): 1-9. ABSTRACT
Gray, SD, Titze, IR, Chan, R, and Hammond, TH. "Vocal fold proteoglycans and their influence on biomechanics." The Laryngoscope 109, no. 6 (1999): 845-854. ABSTRACT
Gray, SD, Titze, IR, and Lusk, RP. "Electron microscopy of hyperphonated canine vocal cords." Journal of Voice 1, no. 1 (1987): 109-115. PREVIEW
Halpern, AE, Spielman, JL, Hunter, EJ, and Titze, IR. "The inability to produce soft voice (IPSV): A tool to detect vocal change in school-teachers." Logopedics Phoniatrics Vocology 34, no. 3 (2009): 117-127.
Herbst, CT, Stoeger, AS, Frey, F, Lohscheller, J, Titze, IR, Gumpenberger, M, and Fitch, WT. "How low can you go? Physical production mechanism of elephant infrasonic vocalizations." Science 337, no. 6094 (2012): 595-599. ABSTRACT
Herzel, H, Berry, D, Titze, IR, and Saleh, M. "Analysis of vocal disorders with methods from nonlinear dynamics." Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research 37, no. 5 (1994): 1008-1019. ABSTRACT
Herzel, H, Berry, D, Titze, IR, and Steinecke, I. "Nonlinear dynamics of the voice: signal analysis and biomechanical modeling." Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science 5, no. 1 (1995): 30-34. ABSTRACT
Hsiao, T-Y, Solomon, NP, Luschei, ES, and Titze, IR, "Modulation of fundamental frequency by laryngeal muscles during vibrato." Journal of Voice 8, no. 3 (1994): 224-229.
Hunter, EJ, Alipour, F, and Titze, IR, "Sensitivity of elastic properties to measurement uncertainties in laryngeal muscles with implications for voice fundamental frequency prediction." Journal of Voice 21, no. 6 (2007): 641-650.
Hunter, EJ, Graetzer, S, Maxfield, L, and Ferguson, S, "Gender differences in vocal and pulmonary health; preliminary results," Conference: 3rd Annual Conference on Women's Health Research, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, October 2014.
Hunter, EJ, Hunter, LM, and Titze, IR, "Individual subject laryngeal dimensions of multiple mammalian species for biomechanical models: A supplement." The National Center for Voice and Speech Online Technical Memo 9 (2005).
Hunter, EJ, Maxfield, L, and Graetzer, S, "The Effect of Pulmonary Function on the Incidence of Vocal Fatigue Among Teachers,"Journal of Voice 34.4 (2020): 539-546. ABSTRACT
Hunter, EJ, and Palaparthi, A, "Modeling Vocal Fold Tissue: Two- and Three-Network Ogden Models,"The National Center for Voice and Speech Online Technical Memo No.12, 2010.
Hunter, EJ, and Palaparthi, A, "Removing Patient Information from MRI and CT Images Using MATLAB,"National Repository for Laryngeal Data Technical Memo No.3, version 2.0, April 2015.
Hunter, EJ, Švec, JG, and Titze, IR, "Comparison of the produced and perceived voice range profiles in untrained and trained classical singers." Journal of Voice 20, no. 4 (2006): 513-526. ABSTRACT
Hunter, EJ, and Titze, IR, "General statistics of the NCVS self-administered vocal rating (SAVRa)." National Center for Voice and Speech. Online Technical Memo. http://www. ncvs. org/e-learning/tech/tech-memo-11. pdf (2008).
Hunter, EJ, and Titze, IR, "Individual subject laryngeal dimensions of multiple mammalian species for biomechanical models." Annals of Otology, Rhinology & Laryngology 114, no. 10 (2005): 809-818. ABSTRACT
Hunter, EJ, and Titze, IR, "Quantifying vocal fatigue recovery: dynamic vocal recovery trajectories after a vocal loading exercise." Annals of Otology, Rhinology & Laryngology 118, no. 6 (2009): 449-460. ABSTRACT
Hunter, EJ, and Titze, IR, "Refinements in modeling the passive properties of laryngeal soft tissue." Journal of Applied Physiology 103, no. 1 (2007): 206-219.
Hunter, EJ, and Titze, IR, "Review of range of arytenoid cartilage motion." Acoustics Research Letters Online 6, no. 3 (2005): 112-117.
Hunter, EJ, and Titze, IR, "Variations in intensity, fundamental frequency, and voicing for teachers in occupational versus nonoccupational settings." (2010). Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2012 Mar 13. Published in final edited form as: J Speech Lang Hear Res. 2010 Aug; 53(4): 862–875. doi: 10.1044/1092-4388(2009/09-0040)
Hunter, EJ, Titze, IR, and Alipour, F, "A three-dimensional model of vocal fold abduction/adduction." The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 115, no. 4 (2004): 1747-1759. ABSTRACT
Jampala, SH , Hunter, EJ, and Palaparthi, A, "Comparison of Ogden Two-network and Ogden Three-network Model as a Replacement for Kelvin Model in the Posture Module,"The National Center for Voice and Speech Online Technical Memo No.14, Apr. 2012, version 2.0.
Jiang, JJ, and Titze, IR, "Measurement of vocal fold intraglottal pressure and impact stress." Journal of Voice 8, no. 2 (1994): 132-144.
Jiang, JJ, and Titze, IR, "A methodological study of hemilaryngeal phonation." The Laryngoscope 103, no. 8 (1993): 872-882.
Jiang, JJ, Wexler, DB, Titze, IR, and Gray, SD, "Fundamental frequency and amplitude perturbation in reconstructed canine vocal folds." Annals of Otology, Rhinology & Laryngology 103, no. 2 (1994): 145-148.
Kapsner-Smith, MR, Hunter, EJ, Kirkham, K, Cox, K, and Titze, IR, "A randomized controlled trial of two semi-occluded vocal tract voice therapy protocols." Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research 58, no. 3 (2015): 535-549. ABSTRACT
Kim, MJ, Hunter, EJ, and Titze, IR, "Comparison of human, canine, and ovine laryngeal dimensions." Annals of Otology, Rhinology & Laryngology 113, no. 1 (2004): 60-68. ABSTRACT
Klemuk, SA, Jaiswal, S, and Titze, IR, "Cell viability viscoelastic measurement in a rheometer used to stress and engineer tissues at low sonic frequencies." The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 124, no. 4 (2008): 2330-2339.
Klemuk, SA, Lu, X, Hoffman, HT, and Titze, IR "Phonation threshold pressure predictions using viscoelastic properties up to 1,400 Hz of injectables intended for Reinke's space."The Laryngoscope 120, no. 5 (2010): 995-1001. ABSTRACT
Klemuk, SA, Riede, T, Walsh, EJ, and Titze, IR, "Adapted to roar: functional morphology of tiger and lion vocal folds." PloS one 6, no. 11 (2011): e27029.
Klemuk, SA, and Titze, IR, "Determining motor inertia of a stress-controlled rheometer." Journal of rheology 53, no. 4 (2009): 765-780.
Klemuk, SA, and Titze, IR, "Viscoelastic properties of three vocal‐fold injectable biomaterials at low audio frequencies." The Laryngoscope 114, no. 9 (2004): 1597-1603. ABSTRACT
Klemuk, SA, Vigmostad, S, Endapally, K, Wagner, AP, and Titze, IR, "A multiwell disc appliance used to deliver quantifiable accelerations and shear stresses at sonic frequencies." Processes 2, no. 1 (2014): 71-88.
Kotby, MN, Titze, IR, Saleh, MM, and Berry, DA, "Fundamental frequency stability in functional dysphonia." Acta oto-laryngologica 113, no. 3 (1993): 439-444.
Laukkanen, AM, Titze, IR, Hoffman, H, and Finnegan, E, "Effects of a semioccluded vocal tract on laryngeal muscle activity and glottal adduction in a single female subject." Folia Phoniatrica et Logopaedica 60, no. 6 (2008): 298-311.
Manternach, B, "Adolescence Again?" Classical Singer, October 1, 2006.
Manternach, B, "Anchors Aweigh: Anchoring Bias in the Voice Studio,"Journal of Singing, November/December 2023 Volume 80, No. 2, pp. 193–199. (membership access required)
Manternach, B, "Assigning Racially and Ethnically Specific Repertoire: The Student Veto Option,"Journal of Singing, May/June 2021, Volume 77, No. 5, p. 685–691.
Manternach, B, "Behind the Scenes with YAP Director Robert Ainsley : Cafritz Young Artists of Washington National Opera,"Classical Singer, May 21, 2020.
Manternach, B, "Bel Canto Can Belto : Talking Technique with Mary Saunders-Barton," Classical Singer, March 1, 2014.
Manternach, B, "Book Review: Acting the Song by Moore and Bergman," Musical Theatre Educators' Alliance Journal, January 2018,
Manternach, B, "Book Review: The Evolving Singing Voice: Changes Across the Lifespan by Brunssen,"VOICEPrints: Journal of the New York Singing Teachers' Association, Vol. 16, no. 3, January-February 2019, p.38-40.
Manternach, B, "Book Review: The Oxford Handbook of the British Musical by Gordon and Jubin,"VOICEPrints: Journal of the New York Singing Teachers' Association, Vol. 17, no. 2, November-December 2019, p.31-33.
Manternach, B, "Building Practice Routines That Have Teeth,"Journal of Singing, January/February 2024 Volume 80, No. 3, pp. 327–330.
Manternach, B, "Cedar Rapids Opera Theater: Ten Years of Bringing Professional Opera to Eastern Iowa," Classical Singer, January 1, 2008.
Manternach, B, "Choose Your Own Adventure,"Journal of Singing, May/June 2019, Volume 75, No. 5, pp. 579–581.
Manternach, B, "Compliance and Adherence in the Voice Studio,"Journal of Singing, January/February 2023, p. 363-367.
Manternach, B, "Conference Syndrome,"Journal of Singing, May/June 2018, Volume 74, No. 5, pp. 559–561.
Manternach, B, "Considering Color-Conscious Casting,"Musical Theatre Educators' Alliance Journal, January 2021, Volume 4, p.44-53.
Manternach, B, "Crossing Over: The Search for Stylistic Authenticity," Classical Singer, October 11, 2019.
Manternach, B, "Dawn Upshaw: Finding Your Voice at Bard College Conservatory," Classical Singer, September 1, 2010.
Manternach, B, "Driver’s Education: A 'Motor' Learning Analogy,"Journal of Singing, March/April 2021, Volume 77, No. 4, pp. 537–541.
Manternach, B, "Elizabeth Stanley: Rooted in the Midwest, Blooming on Broadway,"Classical Singer, May 2019, p.32-41.
Manternach, B, "The Empowered Performer,"Classical Singer, May/June Convention Edition, p. 28-31.
Manternach, B, "Eve Gigliotti: 'I didn't really have a Plan B,'"Classsical Singer, Winter 2022, p. 26-33.
Manternach, B, "Exploring Adjunct Teaching, Part 1,"Journal of Singing, March/April 2020, Volume 76, No. 4, pp. 459–464.
Manternach, B, "Exploring Adjunct Teaching, Part 2,"Journal of Singing, May/June 2020, Volume 76, No. 5, pp. 581–589.
Manternach, B, "Eyes on the Horizon,"NATS Inter Nos, Vol. 51, No. 2, Fall 2018, p.17-18.
Manternach, B, "Failure Is the Only Option," Classical Singer, February 14, 2020.
Manternach, B, "A Future Not Our Own,"Classical Singer, September/October 2020, p.10-11.
Manternach, B, "Gender Bender : Is It Best to Study with Your Own Voice Type?" Classical Singer, September 1, 2012.
Manternach, B, "George Gagndize: Baritone Back in Business," Classical Singer, January/February 2022, p. 18-25.
Manternach, B, "Handled with Care: Dolora Zajick and the Institute for Young Dramatic Voices,"Classical Singer, January 1, 2010.
Manternach, B, "Hesitant to Refer,"Journal of Singing, May/June 2017 Volume 73, No. 5, pp. 545–546.
Manternach, B, "Home Bass: Samuel Ramey Returns to His Alma Mater as Artist-in-Residence," Classical Singer, September 1, 2013.
Manternach, B, "In Memoriam: Paul Kiesgen and Lessons on Listening,"Classical Singer, June 1, 2011.
Manternach, B, "Isabel Leonard: Between the Moon and New York City," Classical Singer, April 2014, p.14-23.
Manternach, B, "Jamie Barton: Georgia on Her Mind," Classical Singer, October 1, 3013.
Manternach, B, "Jennifer Rowley: Fired Up," Classical Singer, July 1, 2014.
Manternach, B, "John Chest: A Budd-ing Career Centered on Signature Roles,"Classical Singer, March/April 2020, p.20-29.
Manternach, B, "Joyce DiDonato: The Power in One Voice," Classical Singer, September 1, 2015.
Manternach, B, "Lise Lindstrom: Princess of Persistence," Classical Singer, November 1, 2014.
Manternach, B, "Loaded Words: Finding the Right Place for 'Placement,'”Journal of Singing, September/October 2018, Volume 75, No. 1, pp. 63–67.
Manternach, B, "Making a Lasting Career: Conductor Joseph Rescigno Tells How," Classical Singer, August 1, 2008.
Manternach, B, "Mark S. Doss: Forty Years of Facing the Fachs,"Clasical Singer, Summer Edition 2023, p. 22-27
Manternach, B, "Mic Check : What Every Singer Should Know, An Interview with New England Conservatory's Ian Howell," Classical Singer, June 23, 2020.
Manternach, B, "The More You Know,"Classical Singer, May/June 2021, p.62-63.
Manternach, B, "Music Theatre Degree Programs: BM vs BFA," Classical Singer, September 1, 2012.
Manternach, B, "Neil Shicoff: A Force for 40 Years," Classical Singer, September 2018, p.42-53.
Manternach, B, "Option Up or Option Out? When to Stick with the Score," Classical Singer, April 8, 2019.
Manternach, B, "Put Me In, Coach: The Role of the Vocal Coach in Young Artist Programs," Classical Singer, July 1, 2011.
Manternach, B, "Race and Ethnicity in the Voice Studio: An Interview with Fracesca Hsieh," Classical Singer, May/June 2021, p.36-39.
Manternach, B, "Recent Winners of the Met National Council Auditions Tell All," Classical Singer, January 1, 2009.
Manternach, B, "Review: Candace Magner on the Life and Legacy of Barbara Strozzi (1619–1677) by Magner and Patinka,"College Music Symposium, published online September 20, 2019, DOI:
Manternach, B, "Ryan Speedo Green: From Low Points to High Notes," Classical Singer, April 2017, p.16-25.
Manternach, B, "Shaming and Blaming,"Journal of Singing, September/October 2021, Volume 78, No. 1, p. 103–107.
Manternach, B, "The Singer's Library: Acting the Song by Moore and Bergman," Classical Singer, January 2017, p.72-78.
Manternach, B, "The Singer's Library: Awakening Your Business Brain: An iCadenza Guide to Launching Your Music Career by Rosenfeld and Torgovitskaya," Classical Singer, September 1, 2016.
Manternach, B, "The Singer's Library: Black Acting Methods by Luckett and Shaffer,"Classical Singer, November/December 2021, p.50-53.
Manternach, B, "The Singer's Library: Born to Sing: A Singer’s Journey toward Mind-Body Unity by Murdock," Classical Singer, May 1, 2016.
Manternach, B, "The Singer's Library: Cantabile: Voice Class by Rundus," Classical Singer, April 2016, p.36-39.
Manternach, B, "The Singer's Library: Class Voice,"Classical Singer, Summer Programs Edition, p. 44-47.
Manternach, B, "The Singer's Library: College Prep for Musicians by Bosler, Greene, and Tesar," Classical Singer, November/December 2019, p.58-62.
Manternach, B, "The Singer's Library: Complete Vocal Fitness by Friedlander," Classical Singer, March/April 2019, p.48-51.
Manternach, B, "The Singer's Library: Compton Publishing,"Classical Singer, September/October 2021, p.112-116.
Manternach, B, "The Singer's Library: Conducting Opera,"Classical Singer, Fall University, p. 70-73.
Manternach, B, "The Singer's Library: Cross-Training in the Voice Studio by Spivey and Saunders Barton," Classical Singer, January/February 2019, p.78-80.
Manternach, B, "The Singer's Library: A Dictionary for the Modern Singer by Hoch,"Classical Singer, May 1, 2015.
Manternach, B, "The Singer's Library: The Enduring Legacy of Late, Great Pedagogues,"Classical Singer, Fall University Edition 2023, p. 52-55.
Manternach, B, "The Singer's Library: The Enterprising Musician's Guide to Performer Contracts by Williams,"Classical Singer, Summer 2018, p.38-42.
Manternach, B, "The Singer's Library: The Essentials of Beautiful Singing by Bauer," Classical Singer, March 2017, p.36-39.
Manternach, B, "The Singer's Library: The Estill Voice Model: Theory & Translation by Steinhauer, Klimek, and Estill,"Classical Singer, September 1, 2017.
Manternach, B, "The Singer's Library: Franco Corelli and a Revolution in Singing by Zucker," Classical Singer, December 1, 2015.
Manternach, B, "The Singer's Library: French Vocal Literature by Resick," Classical Singer, September 2018, p.122-124.
Manternach, B, "The Singer's Library: Great Teachers on Great Singing by Rice and A Spectrum of Voices, 2nd Ed. by Blades," Classical Singer, September/October 2019, p.126-129.
Manternach, B, "The Singer's Library: Habits of a Successful Choir Director by Wilkinson and Rush, Working with Young Singers by Mills," Classical Singer, May 2018, p.94-97.
Manternach, B, "The Singer's Library: Heart-Based Singing by Carubia," Classical Singer, February 1, 2017.
Manternach, B, "The Singer's Library: Kinesthetic Voice Pedagogy by Bozeman," Classical Singer, November 2017, p.52-55.
Manternach, B, "The Singer's Library: Manual of Singing Voice Rehabilitation by Scearce," Classical Singer, Summer 2017, p.42-45.
Manternach, B, "The Singer's Library: Master Singers: Advice from the Stage by George and Mauro," Classical Singer, November 1, 2015.
Manternach, B, "The Singer's Library: The Modern Castrato by Howard," Classical Singer, April 1, 2015.
Manternach, B, "The Singer's Library: The Musical Theatre Codex by Endsley,"Classical Singer, April 2018, p.40-42.
Manternach, B, "The Singer's Library: The Musician's Mind by Helding," Classical Singer, July/August 2020, p.8-11.
Manternach, B, "The Singer's Library: The Performer’s Companion: A Guide to Conquering PerformanceAnxiety by Stohrer," Classical Singer, June 21, 2019 (first published July 1, 2015).
Manternach, B, "The Singer's Library: Provenance by Austin," Classical Singer, October 2018, p.44-47.
Manternach, B, "The Singer’s Library: Queer Opera,"Classical Singer, Winter Issue 2023, p. 28-31.
Manternach, B, "The Singer's Library: Queering Vocal Pedagogy,"Classical Singer, Spring Edition, p. 30-33.
Manternach, B, "The Singer's Library: Sane Singing by Lee," Classical Singer, March 1, 2019.
Manternach, B, "The Singer's Library: The Savvy Music Teacher by Cutler," Classical Singer, March 2016, p.8-11.
Manternach, B, "The Singer's Library: Scandinavian Song by Hersey and Songs of the Second Viennese School by Songer," Classical Singer, May 1, 2017.
Manternach, B, "The Singer's Library: Sing for Your Life by Bergner," Classical Singer, April 2017, p.12-15.
Manternach, B, "The Singer's Library: The Singer's Audition & Career Handbook,"Classical Singer, November 2022, p. 52-55.
Manternach, B, "The Singer's Library: Singing and Teaching Musical Theatre," Classical Singer, Summer Edition 2023, p. 36-39.
Manternach, B, "The Singer's Library: Singing in Greek by Zervanos," Classical Singer, January 1, 2016.
Manternach, B, "The Singer's Library: The Singing Teacher's Guide to Transgender Voices by Hearns and Kramer," Classical Singer, April 24, 2019.
Manternach, B, "The Singer's Library: Singing Through Change by Bos, Bozeman, and Frazier-Neely,"Classical Singer, January/February 2021, p.66-69.
Manternach, B, "The Singer's Library: Singing Voice Rehabilitation by Wicklund," Classical Singer, May 1, 2016.
Manternach, B, "The Singer's Library: Singing With Your Whole Self, 2nd Edition by Nelson and Blades,"Classical Singer, May 2019, p.82-85.
Manternach, B, "The Singer's Library: So You Want to Sing A Cappella by Sharon," Classical Singer, December 2018, p.16-17.
Manternach, B, "The Singer's Library: So You Want to Sing Barbershop by Clark and Biffle,"Classical Singer, November 12, 2018.
Manternach, B, "The Singer's Library: So You Want to Sing CCM by Hoch," Classical Singer, November 2018, p.38-42.
Manternach, B, "The Singer's Library: So You Want to Sing Chamber Music by Hochmiller and So You Want to Sing Early Music by Elliott," Classical Singer, July 2, 2019.
Manternach, B, "The Singer's Library: So You Want to Sing Folk Music by Mindel and So You Want to Sing Light Opera by Lister," Classical Singer, June 29, 2018.
Manternach, B, "The Singer's Library: So You Want to Sing for a Lifetime by Smith and So You Want to Sing the Blues by Yamin," Classical Singer, December 5, 2019.
Manternach, B, "The Singer's Library: So You Want to Sing Gospel by Robinson-Martin, So You Want to Sing Country by Garner, So You Want to Sing Sacred Music by Hoch," Classical Singer, January 2018, p.78-83.
Manternach, B, "The Singer's Library: So You Want to Sing Jazz by Shapiro," Classical Singer, October 1, 2016.
Manternach, B, "The Singer's Libaray: So You Want to Sing Music by Women by Hoch and Lister,"Classical Singer, January/February 2020, p.80-83.
Manternach, B, "The Singer's Library: So You Want to Sing Music Theatre by Hall," Classical Singer, December 2014, p.42-45.
Manternach, B, "The Singer's Library: So You Want to Sing Rock 'n' Roll by Edwards," Classical Singer, March 2015, p.12-15.
Manternach, B, "The Singer's Library: The So You Want to Sing Series concludes,"Classical Singer, May/June 2022, p. 74-77.
Manternach, B, "The Singer's Library: So You Want to Sing Spirituals by Jones," Classical Singer, July/August 2021, p.36-38.
Manternach, B, "The Singer's Library: So You Want to Sing with Awareness,"Classical Singer, online, November 2022.
Manternach, B, "The Singer's Library: A Systematic Approach to Voice by Ragan," Classical Singer, September/October 2020, p.100-103.
Manternach, B, "The Singer's Library: The Tongue as a Gateway to Voice, Resonance, Style, and Intelligibility," Classical Singer, January/February 2022, p. 58-61.
Manternach, B, "The Singer's Library: Training Contemporary Commercial Singers by Benson,"Classical Singer, March/April 2021, p.12-15.
Manternach, B, "The Singer's Library: The 21st-Century Singer: Making the Leap from the University into the World by Kane," Classical Singer, October 1, 2015.
Manternach, B, "The Singer's Library: The Ultimate Musical Theater College Audition Guide by Schwartzreich," Classical Singer, November 5, 2019.
Manternach, B, "The Singer's Library: A User's Manual for the Aging Voice by Howe," Classical Singer, May/June 2020, p.70-72.
Manternach, B, "The Singer's Library: The Vocal Athlete, 1st Ed., by Leborgne and Rosenberg,"Classical Singer, December 2016, p.48-53.
Manternach, B, "The Singer's Library: The Vocal Coach Approach," Classical Singer, Summer Programs Issue 2024, pp.40-43.
Manternach, B, "The Singer's Library: Vocal Technique, 2nd Ed., by Davids and LaTour,"Classical Singer, May/June 2021, p.22-25.
Manternach, B, "The Singer's Library: The Voice Book, 2nd Ed., by DeVore and Cookman," Classical Singer, November/December 2020, p.46-47.
Manternach, B, "The Singer's Library: Voice Secrets by Hoch and Lister," Classical Singer, November 2016, p.58-63.
Manternach, B, "The Singer's Libaray: What Every Singer Needs to Know About the Body, 3rd Ed. by Malde, Allen, and Zeller," Classical Singer, December 2017, p.44-49.
Manternach, B, "The Singer's Library: What Every Singer Needs to Know About the Body, 4th Ed. by Malde, Allen, and Zeller," Classical Singer, October 27, 2020.
Manternach, B, "The Singer's Library: Your Voice: An Inside View, 2nd Ed. and Your Voice: The Basics by McCoy," Classical Singer, March 2018, p.38-41.
Manternach, B, "The Singer's Library: Your Voice: An Inside View, 3rd Ed. by McCoy and The Vocal Athlete, 2nd Ed. by Leborgne and Rosenberg,"Classical Singer, March/April 2020, p.36-37.
Manternach, B, "So You Want to Sing?"Journal of Singing, September/October 2015 Volume 72, No. 1, pp. 83–86.
Manternach, B, "Stages of Learning and How It Affects your Singing Progression," Classical Singer, January 16, 2020.
Manternach, B, "Staying Physically and Mentally Well," Classical Singer, April 1, 2007.
Manternach, B, "Stephanie Blythe: With a Song in Her Heart," Classical Singer, January 1, 2016.
Manternach, B, "Straw in Water: A Low 'Spit Factor' Alternative to Lip Trills and Raspberries," VOICEPrints: Journal of the New York Singing Teachers' Association, Vol. 17, no. 5, May-June 2020, p.71-75.
Manternach, B, "Striking the Write Tone: My 100th Classical Singer Article,"Classical Singer, March/April 2022, p. 18-22.
Manternach, B, "A Summer in Ohio: Celebrating 40 Seasons of the Ohio Light Opera,"Classical Singer, January/February 2019, p.34-38.
Manternach, B, "Teaching Transgender Singers. Part 2: The Singers' Perspectives,"Journal of Singing, November/December 2017 Volume 74, No. 2, pp. 209–214.
Manternach, B, "Time Spent: The Eight-Hour Day,"Journal of Singing, September/October 2023 Volume 80, No. 1, pp. 67-71. (membership access required)
Manternach, B, "Time Spent: The Forty-Hour Workweek,"Journal of Singing, May/June 2022 Volume 78, No. 5, pp. 629-634.
Manternach, B, "Transitioning from a Degree to the Stage: An Interivew with Rachel Willis-Sørensen," Classical Singer, September/October 2020, p.60-66.
Manternach, B, "The Value of Performing,"Journal of Singing, March/April 2017 Volume 73, No. 4, pp. 425–427.
Manternach, B, "Voice Elevated," Journal of Singing, March/April 2022 Volume 78, No. 4, pp. 509–511.
Manternach, B, "Voice Lessons as Observed Practice," Journal of Singing, September/October 2020, Volume 77, No. 1, pp. 85–89.
Manternach, B, "Voice Lessons…via Video Conference," Classical Singer, March 1, 2013.
Manternach, B, "Wishes and Dreams or Goals and Plans?" Classical Singer, September 9, 2020.
Manternach, B, "Working with Technology: When it's not about the technology,"Classical Singer, April 22, 2020.
Manternach, B, "Zero Views Blues,"Classical Singer, Summer Programs Edition, p. 70-72.
Manternach, B, Chipman, M, Rainero, R, and Stave, C, "Teaching Transgender Singers. Part 1: The Voice Teachers’ Perspectives,"Journal of Singing, September/October 2017 Volume 74, No. 1, pp. 83–88.
Manternach, B, Eggers, D, "Using Theatrical Intimacy Practices to Create Vocal Health Boundaries,"Journal of Singing, September/October 2022 Volume 79, No. 1, pp. 73-77.
Manternach, B, Lanza, E, and Lee, M, "Taking a Different Path: From Voice Teacher to Speech-Language Pathologist," Journal of Singing, January/February 2022, Volume 78, No. 3, p. 385-389.
Manternach, B, and Manternach, JN, "Choral Pedagogy: A new kind of choral music education," Classical Singer, March 1, 2009.
Manternach, B, and Manternach, JN, (2019) "Survey of University Acting Majors regarding the Most Useful Elements of Singing Training,"Voice and Speech Review, 13:3, 312-321, DOI: 10.1080/23268263.2019.1579481.
Manternach, B, and Manternach, JN, "The Impact of Semi-Occluded Vocal Tract Warm-Up and Cool-Down Procedures on Singing Teacher Voice Fatigue After Online Instruction: A Pilot Study," Poster. Fall Voice Conference, Miami and virtual, October, 2021.
Manternach, B, and Maxfield, L, "Acoustic Differences between Professional and Novice Musical Theatre Singers," Poster. National Association of Teachers of Singing National Conference, Chicago, July, 2016.
Manternach, B, Maxfield, L, and Manternach, JN, (2020) "Effects of Varied Semi-Occluded Vocal Tract Exercises on Acoustic and Perceptual Measures of Music Theatre Singers: A Pilot Study," Voice and Speech Review, Vol. 15, No. 1, 40–50.
Manternach, B, and Sataloff, RT, "Teaching Singers with Emphysema and Other Pulmonary Diseases,"Journal of Singing, January/February 2008 Volume 64, No. 3, pp. 333–337.
Manternach, B, and Smith RSS, "Preparing High School Acting Students for the Singing Portion of College Theater Auditions,"Journal of Singing, January/February 2019, Volume 75, No. 3, pp. 331–336.
Manternach, B, Stark, A, and Maxfield, L, "Turn Down the Tunes to Slow the Spread," Salt Lake Tribune, May 12, 2020.
Manternach, JN, and Manternach, B, "Acoustic and Perceptual Measures of Singing Voice Teacher Voice Quality Prior to and After Online Instruction: A Case Study," Poster. Pan American Vocology Association Virtually PAVA Symposium, August, 2021.
Manternach, JN, Maxfield, L, and Schloneger, M, "On the Voice: Semi-Occluded Vocal Tract Exercises in the Choral Rehearsal: What’s the Deal with the Straw?" The Choral Journal 60, no. 4 (2019): 47-56. PREVIEW
Manternach, JN, Schloneger, M, and Maxfield, L (2019). "Effects of Straw Phonation and Neutral Vowel Protocols on the Choral Sound of Two Matched Women’s Choirs," Journal of Research in Music Education, 66(4), 465-480. ABSTRACT
Mau, T, Palaparthi, A, Riede, T, and Titze, IR, "Effect of resection depth of early glottic cancer on vocal outcome: An optimized finite element simulation,"Laryngoscope. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2016 Aug 1. Published in final edited form as: Laryngoscope. 2015 Aug; 125(8): 1892–1899. Published online 2015 May 22. doi: 10.1002/lary.25267.
Maxfield, L, "Application of principles from motor-learning theory to the studio voice lesson: effects of feedback frequency on retention of classical singing technique." PhD (Doctor of Philosophy) thesis, University of Iowa, 2011.
Maxfield, L, "Being versus Doing: Conflating Identity with Occupation,"Journal of Singing, September/October 2021, Volume 78, No. 1, p. 109–111.
Maxfield, L, "Competition and Creativity,"Journal of Singing, March/April 2022 Volume 78, No. 4, pp. 513–515.
Maxfield, L, "Efficiency in Singing and Learning Requires Effort,"Journal of Singing, January/February 2024 Volume 80, No. 3, pp. 331-333.
Maxfield, L, "Healthy Voices, Healthy Singers,"Journal of Singing, March/April 2015 Volume 71, No. 4, pp. 507–512.
Maxfield, L, "I Feel, You Feel: Considerations of Emotion in Singing," Journal of Singing, September/October 2023 Volume 80, No. 1, pp. 73-76. (membership access required)
Maxfield, L, "Improve Your Students’ Learning by Improving Your Feedback,"Journal of Singing, March/April 2013 Volume 69, No. 4, pp. 471–478.
Maxfield, L, "Incorporating Motivation Into Your Model of Motor Learning,"Journal of Singing, May/June 2019, Volume 75, No. 5, pp. 583–587.
Maxfield, L, "Neuroscience for Singers, Part 1: Neuroanatomy,"Journal of Singing, November/December 2019, Volume 76, No. 2, pp. 203–206.
Maxfield, L, "Of Comparison, Envy, and Self- Enhancement: The Dark Side of Listening to Your Peers’ Performances,"Journal of Singing, May/June 2020, Volume 76, No. 5, pp. 591–593.
Maxfield, L, "Slow Practice: How to Do More Than Just Practice Slowly,"Journal of Singing, September/October 2018, Volume 75, No. 1, pp. 69–73.
Maxfield, L, "Taking a Beat: Feedback Timing in the Age of Online Lessons," Journal of Singing, September/October 2020, Volume 77, No. 1, pp. 91–94.
Maxfield, L, "Toward an Understanding of Attention and Awareness,"Journal of Singing, November/December 2018, Volume 75, No. 2, pp. 197–200.
Maxfield, L, "Your Voice Matters to Our Health," Journal of Singing, March/April 2023 Volume 79, No. 4, pp. 513–515
Maxfield, L, and Manternach, B, "Perceptual differences between novice and professional music theater singers," Journal of Voice 32.5 (2018): 572-577. ABSTRACT
Maxfield, L, Palaparthi, A, and Titze, IR, "New evidence that nonlinear source-filter coupling affects harmonic intensity and fo stability during instances of harmonics crossing formants,"Journal of Voice. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2018 Mar 1. Published in final edited form as: J Voice. 2017 Mar; 31(2): 149–156. Published online 2016 Aug 5. doi: 10.1016/j.jvoice.2016.04.010.
Maxfield, L, and Ragan, K, "Evidence-Based Voice Pedagogy (EBVP), Part 1: Voice Research Component,"Journal of Singing, March/April 2021, Volume 77, No. 4, pp. 543–547.
Maxfield, L, and Titze, IR, "Overtone Singing: In The News Again,"Journal of Singing, March/April 2015 Volume 71, No. 4, pp. 469–471.
Maxfield, L, Titze, IR, Hunter, EJ, and Kapsner-Smith, M, "Intraoral pressures produced by thirteen semi-occluded vocal tract gestures,"Logopedics Phoniatrics Vocology. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2016 Aug 2. Published in final edited form as: Logoped Phoniatr Vocol. 2015 Jul; 40(2): 86–92. Published online 2014 May 28. doi: 10.3109/14015439.2014.913074.
McCabe, DJ, and Titze, IR. "Chant therapy for treating vocal fatigue among public school teachers." (2002). American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, Vol. 11, No. 4, Nov. ABSTRACT
Mergell, P, Herzel, H, and Titze, IR. "Irregular vocal-fold vibration—high-speed observation and modeling." The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 108, no. 6 (2000): 2996-3002. ABSTRACT
Min, YB, Titze, IR, and Alipour-Haghighi, F. "Stress-strain response of the human vocal ligament." Annals of Otology, Rhinology & Laryngology 104, no. 7 (1995): 563-569.
Mineck, CW, Chan, R, Tayama, N, and Titze, IR, "Three-dimensional anatomic characterization of the canine laryngeal abductor and adductor musculature." Annals of Otology, Rhinology & Laryngology 109, no. 5 (2000): 505-513.
Myers, B, Manternach, B, and Titze Cox, K, (2020) "Voice Screenings for University Students: The Why and the How,"Voice and Speech Review, DOI: 10.1080/23268263.2021.1858593.
Naunheim, MR, Bock, J, Doucette, PA, Hoch, M, Howell, I, Johns, MM, Johnson, AM, Krishna, P, Meyer, D, Milstein, CF, Nix, J, Pitman, MJ, Robinson-Martin, T, Rubin, AD, Sataloff, RT, Sims, HS, Titze, IR, Carroll, RT, "Safer singing during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic: what we know and what we don't." Journal of Voice (2020). DOI:
Nix, J, Švec, JG, Laukkanen, A-M, and Titze, IR, "Protocol challenges for on-the-job voice dosimetry of teachers in the United States and Finland." Journal of Voice 21, no. 4 (2007): 385-396. ABSTRACT
Palaparthi, A, Maxfield, L, and Titze, IR, "Estimation of source-filter interaction regions based on Electroglottography,"Journal of Voice. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2020 May 1. Published in final edited form as: J Voice. 2019 May; 33(3): 269–276. Published online 2017 Dec 23. doi: 10.1016/j.jvoice.2017.11.012.
Palaparthi, A, Riede, T, and Titze, IR, "Combining Multiobjective Optimization and Cluster Analysis to Study Vocal Fold Functional Morphology,"IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2017 Nov 10. Published in final edited form as: IEEE Trans Biomed Eng. 2014 Jul; 61(7): 2199–2208. Published online 2014 Apr 22. doi: 10.1109/TBME.2014.2319194.
Palaparthi, A, Smith, SL, Mau, T, and Titze, IR, "A computational study of depth of vibration into vocal fold tissues," Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 2019 Feb; 145(2): 881–891. Published online 2019 Feb 19. doi: 10.1121/1.5091099.
Palaparthi, A, Smith, SL, and Titze, IR, "Mapping Thyroarytenoid and Cricothyroid Activations to Postural and Acoustic Features in a Fiber-Gel Model of the Vocal Folds,"Applied Sciences, 2019, 9(21), 4671;
Palaparthi A, and Titze IR (2020), "Analysis of glottal inverse filtering in the presence of source-filter interaction."Speech Communication, Vol. 123, pp. 98-108. ABSTRACT
Perlman, AL, and Titze, IR, "Development of an in vitro technique for measuring elastic properties of vocal fold tissue." Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research 31, no. 2 (1988): 288-298.
Perlman, AL, Titze, IR, and Cooper, DS, "Elasticity of canine vocal fold tissue." Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research 27, no. 2 (1984): 212-219. ABSTRACT
Pinto, NB, and Titze, IR, "Unification of perturbation measures in speech signals." The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 87, no. 3 (1990): 1278-1289. ABSTRACT
Popolo, PS, Rogge-Miller, K, Švec, JG, and Titze, IR, "Technical considerations in the design of a wearable voice dosimeter." Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 112, no. 5 (2002): 2304.
Popolo, PS, Švec, JG, Hunter, EJ, Starr, AC, Rogge-Miller, K, Nix, J, and Titze, IR, "Teachers’ Guide to Voice Dosimetry." The National Center for Voice and Speech Online technical Memo 4 (2004).
Popolo, PS, Švec, JG, and Titze, IR, "Adaptation of a Pocket PC for use as a wearable voice dosimeter." (2005). Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research Vol. 48 780–791 August 2005.
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